Lots of Information
River Descriptions for Kayaking
Descriptions for Canyoning
WWW-Links and others Sources of Information
Shopping in and around Salzburg
We about us and you to us

General Information

Why another Web page?

Kayaking, Canyoning ... that's of no interest for anyone? Wrong!! We are and because we are lucky having lots to choose around Salzburg, we would like to share our fun with other people with the same interests from around the world. Looking for information in the net we had to find out that there is none and therefore we decided to put some there ... the resulting pages you are just about to browse through contain a lot of information (and it is getting more and more) about white water, kayaking and canyoning in general and related to our area more specifically.

If you would like to find out how this site changed during it's lifespan you can have a look in the logbook

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We about ourselves

Should you really want to know, who we are and to whom you should be grateful for all the tips just follow me ...

If you don't care we don't mind either. But should you ever come along you can drop in anyway and then ...

ahhh, we don't know.

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Kayaking ?

Just use:

  • one crazy human, who likes to hang around outdoors and loves water (not just for drinking...)
  • a wild river somewhere out there
  • a plastic bowl for the human to sit in
  • a long stick with spoon formed ends

and there you go. Depending on whom you ask, you should soon know everything about white water kayaking or something similar (or maybe not). If you still don't understands a thing just have a look at this site and after some pictures you should have an idea and will probably think ...

I have got to try that!!!

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If hiking is too boring for you, but you would still like to have fun out there you should consider Canyoning. It could be described as Canyon-Hiking and you briefly descend down a canyon with not too much water (you would want to go Kayaking then!!! It ranges from simple hiking in a dry river bed in a canyon to swimming in pools. But continues with diving into them or abseiling down waterfalls and so on. It's simply a mixture of Hiking, Abseiling, Scrambling and Climbing, Swimming and Diving and everything in between you can think of.

Depending on your knowledge and skills you can have in a lot of different ways. We just think

Diving is fucking great!!!

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Salzburg ?

Ooops, how should we describe where Salzburg can be found. Let's just start simple:

  • Planet: Earth
  • Continent: Europe
  • Region: Central Europe

Okay. Pretty damn near already. If you look for the heart of central Europe in any map you will find the small country Austria and right in the centre you can find the province Salzburg with it's world-famous capital Salzburg (Mozart, Operas, Churches blablabla).

And that's exactly the place where we can be found and made camp as some crazy paddlers. A lot of us where born here and all of us at least still hang around there (some not as much as they would like to though).

What else is going on in Salzburg? Just click on the sign and you will find out:

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Grades - Kayaking

oh yeah. Here we go again and meet a difficult chaper.Luckily it isn't as bad for paddlers as it is for climbers and there is an international grading system. Some people think about extensions and there are some funnier systems. In the river descriptions we use the international grading system (I-VI). But of course there are days during which the river was especially hard. All gradings are relative and ... if in doubt it's all up to you.

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Grades - Canyoning

Canyoning is a lot younger than Kayaking and there is no well established grading systems. There are some systems (Australia, France), but they are not well known and awkward and therefore we just mention the biggest difficulties and the necessary equipment needed. With this knowledge in mind you should be able to determine what to do ... in any case you should be sure of your steps, cold-resistant and tireless and have a good head for heights...

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Described Rivers

During the lifetime of this site we will add more and more descriptions of river, creeks, streams, canyons ... and if we paddle a new one for us we will add it as well. To make this a bit easier for us we made up a systemwith which we will describe them. In addition you can check out the location of the river on a map (Link, ?Kb) or browse through an A-Z list and check if your river is already there. If you would like to describe your river just send us an email in which you describe your river using our system. We will put your description on the site and make the database for everyone bigger again.

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Sooner or later you will want to prove your kayaking abilities to your friends and your thoughts will soon reach pictures of evidence as a possibility. It sounds easy but you will soon find out that it feels a lot more spectacular than it looks on the shots. There are a lot of ways to improve your pictures and their impact. One thing might become a necessity though. Your expensive photo equipment has to get to the water or somehow into the boat or on the trip and should come back okay as well ... Should you master all the problems you will be rewarded by cheering friends, personal posters in your rooms and even a web page could be your thing as well ...

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How to get even more information?

You still have not got enough and you obviously speak english as well (or you can at least read and understand it a bit ;-)). Well, we've got something for you. Know it or not, but listen. There are discussion groups (newsgroups) about everything you can imagine and more in the web as well

And yes ... on of them is paddling. It's name is and if you want you can have a look what the paddlers around the world are talking about right now.

And it gets even better. Everything they ever talked about (nearly) is being kept available and therefore you have a treasure of tips, tricks, opinions and stories at hand. What do people think about your boat? Good rivers somewhere in the world? How to roll? Questions and questions without end. To find out what is going on just type a keyword in the requester below and have fun

[ Deja News ] Search for Keyword and press RETURN:

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Why Whitewater is better than sex!

YYEEESSS, we know that this stuff is sexist... but what the f*** : They are fun for men and women with humour so there you go:
  • The bigger and deeper the hole the better
  • You don't mind having someone probe that hole before you
  • An old hole can have a reputation & still be a good hole
  • you're always giving something long and hard a hand job
  • Rapid is considered good
  • soft touches and hard thrusts both are needed and respected
  • With practice, nearly everyone can roll over and do it again <
  • Good old "Eddy" is usually there to help calm you after a "premature ejaculation"
  • All the protective wear doesn't take away the thrill
  • Going "down" occurs often and seems natural
  • Not only females get wet & excited after sufficient stimulation
  • You don't have to take the river to dinner beforehand
  • No one complains about the wet spots afterwards
  • After you've done it all and are spent and exhausted - the river never tires of whispering sweet nothings in your ear

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Are you sure you are a real whitewater freak?

You might be right if:
  • You often find yourself responding "What smell?"
  • When your non boating friends visit your home or your car they ask "Do you have dogs?"
  • You have no trouble saying "Rotomolded Crosslink Polyethelyne" ten times fast.
  • The idea of a 15k mile per year car lease seems ridiculous.
  • You have a bathing suit that's wet from March to October.
  • Your Mom has stopped saying "Be careful this weekend".
  • You've never setup a tent when it's light out.
  • You've tied up your mate using either a taught-line or trucker's hitch.
  • You scout every river, stream, and little rivelet of water from your car while driving past....
  • You kinda pulled your head down between your shoulders and tried not to look left or right and catch people's eyes as you were driving to the put-in last weekend. Because the river you were about to float was in their liveingrooms the day before. But you paddled it anyway.
  • You maneuver your car on five-lane streets by eddying out behind trucks and making S-moves in the left turn lane. And you lean into the turns.
  • You find yourself sitting at work twirling your pen/pencil to figure out the Retendo your going to try the next weekend.

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