Explanation for the river descriptions
A descriptions of rivers and canyons on this site follow a certain scheme with
different categories, which we are going to explain a bit ...
- Location:
- Here we tell you how to best get to your river of desire. If it is near
Salzburg we direct you from there. Salzburg can be found in every atlas or
Austria street map. If the rivers is somewhere else we direct you from the
nearest bigger town onwards...
- Suitability:
- This category tells wether you should go kayaking or canyoning there. Sometimes
both is possible depending on the water level.
- River Description:
- General:
- This category is the biggest one and tells you everything about the
river you should know ... well, nearly. But at least you get to know where
to get in and out, which sections there are, if they are okay for you
and how long they are and and and
- Difficulty:
- We use the international grading system from I to VI for kayaking and
grade the whole river at once. This means that as soon as there is a longer
stretch of grade I the river is grade I. And if a canyon with heavy grade
V follows afterwards on another section the river gets the grading I-V.
You can always find more detail in the general description. For canyoning
we just describe the most difficult parts by describing the mental and
physical difficulties.
- Water Level:
- The water level is very important for the difficulties and dangers
awaiting you on the river or in the canyon and therefore we try to tell
you a bit about it. Of course it changes from section to section and also
your personal skills are important. But some rivers just get to dangerous
and less fun with too much or too little water ...
- Best Time:
- When is the best water level? And the best weather? And the warmest
water? A lot of questions looking for an answer.
- Rodeo Holes and Stuff:
- Being a rodeo freak and chaotic paddler it is very important to know
when which stopper works as a washing machine and when you get hours of
surfing on the next wave. Here we try to give you a few hints on these
subjects ... and should you not find a play spot you just didn't look
close enough.
- Special Dangers:
- Ohhh yeahh. There are lots of dangers waiting for us out there and
here we try to tell you about some of them. But most importantly you have
to watch out yourself and care about yourself as well. But that's okay
... otherwise it would be boring anyway.
- Service:
- We try to answer questions like: Is this the desert? Where is the next
pub? Or shop? Or club? Who can help me in case of an emergency? And so on
- Places to Stay:
- Should you come far away you will have the problem of finding a place to
stay. If we know we offer some personal, subjective tips here. For example
we will never forget the campground in Val de Sol/Italy where we nearly had
to leave because we were too loud during a thunderstorm ...
- After Kayaking:
- You dead tired, hungry, thirsty although the river level is lower because
of you and still filled with energy. And you want to go out and don't know
where ... well, here we go. Whenever we got successfully drunk near a river
or ate lots of good food we are going to tell you where .... just have a look
in this category.