Neuigkeiten aus der Paddlerszene
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Just follow the same way as you would going to the Lammer and turn left at the bridge down rivers of the Voglauer Klamm and drive up to the forester's house.
River Description:
If you want to paddle the Aubach, be aware that you have to carry your equipment for around 30 minutes. But you will be rewarded with two nice WW V drops with 2-3 metres (Attention: there is a dangerous current under a rock in the corner of the second drop). After a longer WW IV part, you have to watch out for a dangerous drop, where your boat can easily get stuck (portage on the left side). After this part, the river gets easier (WW 3) until you reach the exit at the street bridge downriver of the forester's house.

Aubach -
        1.Schlüsselstelle Manfred takes the first higher drop on the very left

Werner a bit more to the right in a sequence

III-IV (and two WW V drops at the beginning)
Water Level:
high level required
Best Time:
You can paddle the Aubach only during the snow melt or after heavy rainfalls.
Rodeo Holes and Stuff:
no waves or holes, but nice eddy-lines for squirting
Special Dangers:
logs - take a look while hiking up
Club Alpin, Club Zwilling
Places to Stay:
After Kayaking:
Engelhart Wirt (follow the signs at the water level of the Lammer
Copyright Manfred & Werner Moser 1997-2000