Holiday Trip

Hucking at Mt. Tzouhalem

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11999Man - I'm stoked! Today Manfred and I drove to Duncan/Mt. Tzouhalem for another mountain biking fun. After the ascent we found our first obstacles but then near the top…

Morocco – the land of many contrasts

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Another winter (not really this year..) – another trip – another continent. This year Babsi and I headed to Morocco for our first african experience. The land is full of contrasts: Mountains, plains, valleys and the sahara. Snow and the heat in the desert. Woman from western style to completly hidden under the veil and cloth. Smells from wow to …

To give you an idea just look at the photos or you may read the hole story …

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Monobicicletta Sardegna

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I thought that a little bit of sun and sea is a good idea before winter starts. Therefore my municycle, my sleepingback and I hoped onto a plane and flew…

Hej Saarijärvi Anmasser & Suomi

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Time has gone by and Babsi and I were in need for another trip. In search for a destination the parental leave of Anschi and Elena turned out to be…

SEAsia Part 2:Cambodia – the big divide

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After some perfect days we left Vietnam on the Mekong and arrived in Cambodia. Our fist stop was Phnom Phen, where we were shocked by the big gap between the…

SEAsia Part 1: Vietnam – living the Hobbit-way

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5513Our trip started in Saigon and after a few hours we adopted to the vietnamese behavior of 'snacking through the day' - just like the hobbits in middleearth. Our record…

Impressions from Down Under

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After moving to Canada over two years ago and Lukas' birth in September it was time for us to go back to Melbourne for a visit. We headed down south…

Mallorca – mountainbiking on an island

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8304Spring time means travel time - this year Michi, Gina and I headed to the mediterranean island Mallorca. While the villages where supertourisic we really enjoyed the mountainbiken (and municycling).…

Costa Rica – a natural wonderland

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5189Winter arrived in Salzburg – so Babsi & I were in search for some warm sunshine. This time our destination was Costa Rica – due to the rivers and the amazing wildlife. During our 4 weeks we fell in love with that beautiful country and its people, the Ticos, who were just super friendly. Read on for some of our highlights:

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Tere, Tallinn – Estland/Eesti

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Thanks to Miles&More Babsi and I thought about an autuum trip - Ireland, Spain and the Baltics where the favourite canditates. Finally we settled on Tallinn - the capital of…

Vancouver Island

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It was again time to travel and due to the fact that Manfred and Yen moved to Vancouver Island / Canada I knew where to go ... NEW: I have…


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I spent the last three days in Amsterdam, where I visited the IBC 2003 and enjoyed the city. Super yummie food, really nice people, brilliant weather and Amsterdam itself -…

Monstar in Salzburg

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After travelling the half globe, Monstar finally arrived in Salzburg. After a little bit of culture and mountainbiking we visited the Eisriesenwelt - the worlds largest ice cave today. New…