Summer white water paddling on Vancouver Island – Part 1 – Okisolo Rapids

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It is hot and dry on the island now. The snow has melted, the rain has gone
the rivers are dry. The Cowichan is as low as you can imagine it. On the
Koksilah you can probably walk down the river bed with mostly dry feet. Kayaking season is in atumn and winter here. And yet I have been paddling new
locations recently and had a blast. Guess how?

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Snowboarding in British Columbia – Sun Peaks

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6039Our first winter in British Columbia is well under way. We had snow in town and went for a sledging session with our boogie board on the nearby golf course. And we went snowboarding up island to Mt. Washington. After mountain biking there in summer we were certainly curious. Up there the first time on the first of January this year we had a ball. Fresh snow and lots of rides and no people around. Supposedly it was a busy day for the resort, but compared to what I have seen in Europe the place was empty. And that was all just the beginning. Last week we went for a five day snowboaring trip to the interior. Read on to find out more and don’t forget to check out the photos..

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Mushroom Experience

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5915At the beginning of November we went for a stroll in the woods.With the organisers from Rainforest Expeditions and a group of people we went for a bush bashing session…

Vancouver Island

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It was again time to travel and due to the fact that Manfred and Yen moved to Vancouver Island / Canada I knew where to go ... NEW: I have…

Vancouver Island Paddling [VI-Paddling] Mailing List now online!

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Finally we are live. The Vancouver Island Paddling mailing list is on the internet. Everybody interested in discussing white water paddling related issues with fellow paddlers is welcome to join the list. We aim to be a forum for everybody interested in getting his paddle wet, be it in a canoe or kayak, in the surf or down a waterfall. Do you wanna sell some stuff and reach paddlers on the island? Or do you wanna hook up with some locals? Or you needed the latest news from the rivers out there? Read on and join us now!!!

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Chatham Island

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After trying to get to the Sooke Potholes by bike and being hindered by the rain last Saturday we spent a fun Sunday on a boat trip…

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New Gallery: Canada’s wild animals.

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We have been here in Victoria for a bit more than two months now and we have seen many animals here we never saw before. Check out some of them in the new gallery, stay tuned for more additions and read on to find out what we already saw, but couldn’t get a photo yet…

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Goldstream Park

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Yen at the start of the track ...where next?

Very near Victoria along the highway up island is a small gem of a park worth a visit. We went there a few weeks ago and hiked all the way through from the south up to the estuary of the Goldstream river and back along the hill side.

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Our new home – Victoria

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It has been an adventurous time for Yen and myself recently. After leaving Melbourne, Australia and visiting my hometown Salzburg in Austria to visit my family and friends and some fun time there, we have now been here in Canada for nearly two months and experienced a lot already…

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