Mailinglists down

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Our hosting provider is currently having trouble with their setup. I am trying to chase them as hard as I can. Unfortunately the mailing lists are currently off line and…

Pinzgau on wheels

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Last weekend one just a perfect one: blue sky and perfect rides on our wheels. Pat, Toni, Darko and I started on saturday with Saalbach. While Pat and Toni rode…

MUniride: Enzianhütte to Seewaldsee

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8538 Gladly we have sunshine now and Babsi wanted to go to a lake. Luckily I had the idea to combine the Seewaldsee with a MUni ride from the Enzianhütte…

MUniride at the Barmstein

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During a short sunny period on friday Babsi and I headed of to the Barmstein - one of my local MUnirides. While I rode my MUni, Babsi took some photos…

A different kind of Poker

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Last Sunday I participated in a very different new kind of poker game for me. In the picture you see the poker hands all the teams got. I sure had a lot more fun that I could have at a real poker game. Teams? Poker hands? Fun? Find out more about the SIMBS Hartland Poker Mountainbike Race and read on…

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Origami workshop by Paul Jackson

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3483 After seeing the Origami exhibition I was glad to take part in Paul Jackson's workshop Origami for artists and designers. Everthing started with feeling the paper (the grease...) and…

Origami exhibition in the Hangar-7

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3451After my return from the exhausting MUni convention, Babsi and I set off the explore the Origami exhibition at the Hangar-7. Of course I had the camera along to show…

European MUni & Trial Convention – Denmark

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Thanks to the cheap flight from HLX I decided to travel to the 1st European MUni and Trails Convention in Fakse ladeplads in Denmark.

For the picture only persons > just watch the photos

All others can read on about the convention …
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High water surfing …

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During the last weekend Salzburg was hit by heavy rainfalls that brought the rivers to really high levels… and suddenly waves appear where there is normally nothing … Curious? Read on to see the wave …

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Slopestyle 2005 Weekend

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After the friday muni ride with Harry the mood for the weekend was set: Mountain Times! On saturday we headed to Saalbach Hinterglemm where we met Sven for a mountain…

Pfingsttrip to Slovenia & Croatia

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Pfingsten arrived and Babsi and I had to go on another trip. Due to some articles & guidebooks we decided to explore the rivers of Slovenia and Croatia – except the well known Soca. We started in the region of Bled, continued on to the slovenian Krka and there we had an accident that changed the hole trip: someone broke into our car.

Due to that we drove all the way to the croatian island Cres (fighting hail & snow with the heather and an always open – non-existing – window). There we found some nice mountainbiking, a very refreshing sea and a campsite that was the perfect muni-trailparcour.

Enough of the introduction – photos are just one click away or if you want to know some details ….
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Zappler – the sport video with a comic touch

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I'm proud to present my new video "Zappler"- I tried to archive the effect of a "comic-video" with sporty content. Hope you like it! - Now just watch Riki, Moose,…

Mallorca – mountainbiking on an island

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ReisenSport

8304Spring time means travel time - this year Michi, Gina and I headed to the mediterranean island Mallorca. While the villages where supertourisic we really enjoyed the mountainbiken (and municycling).…