Company Super POM – A Maven Practice

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Soon after the initial install of Maven you will hopefully like it and use it on a bunch of projects. You will notice that there are a bunch of things in the POM that are the same from project to project. Normally that is where the concept of a company or organisation POM appears. On the other hand internally Maven always uses the Super POM as well. Once multiple projects are involved things quickly get confusing, so lets look at this a bit closer and then get to my hybrid approach of a Company Super POM.
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Mosabuam Anders Mobil

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Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach coolen, neuen Fortbewegungsmitteln - vor allem HPVs (=Human Powered Vehicles )haben es uns angetan. In letzter Zeit haben wir alle drei dann auch…

Three Under Four

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Summer of 2009 forced me to write this blog post. There never was or will be a job busier than being a full-time mum of three boys under four years. Yes,  it is crazy to think that someone with a physics degree like me would ever embark on such an experiment, when even a Monte Carlo simulation could not predict the behaviour of my boys from day to day.
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Giro d’Italia

Es war einmal ... wieder Zeit für einen Urlaub. Dieses mal gings für Florian Nino, Babsi und Werner in den Süden. Ziel war das Meer - der erste Stop aber…

Problems with WordPress categories gone

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We have recently been having a lot of issues with tags and categories misbehaving in wordpress and I finally figured out the solution. Since it was anything but obvious I thought I share my findings.
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Salzburger Wasserspiele

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Wow - die letzten 3 Tage waren echt aquatisch. Samstag und Sonntag gings zum Baden an den  Kuchler See (mit dem genialen Sprungseil ins Wasser) und zum Bodyboarden in der…

Installing Apache Maven – Luxury Edition

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As you might or might not know I have been using Apache Maven for quite a few years now and I have come to do all my development projects the maven way although I am probably not a full Maven maven. I am setting up a new development machine at home after being forced to look for a new job so I might as well write down what I do, since it is probably a bit different from the normal install.

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A quick visit to the Big Apple

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Unbelievably it is already over a month ago that we got back home to Victoria from our weeklong visit to New York City. Our three boys dragged mummy and daddy…


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Am Mittwoch, 29.7.2009 wars soweit - Werner ging zum TandemParagleiten in die Luft.... Ich traf mich um 14:00 mit Andi (meinem Piloten), Hans und Pit in Aigen bei der Landewiese.…

Trophy 2009 & MTBTrial Workshop

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Die letzten 3 Tage waren echt irre und radlastig .... Alles begann am Samstag. Bei strömenden Regen fuhr ich nach BadGoisern zur Salzkammergut Trophy 2009. Startnummer abholen, Einradmontur anziehen und…

Endlich wieder Soca

Unser letzter Urlaubstrip führte uns mal wieder an unsere geliebte Soca. Schon die Hinfahrt war Dank dem spannendem (und gratis) Hörspiel Lomoco ein Genuß und dann gabs das volle Soca…

Nearly a year using Twitter – this was 2008

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So I found out that Twitter will not keep all my posts forever so I activated the weekly recapture feature on our new wordpress site that will produce a blogpost here each week allowing me to look back later and giving me at least some control over my posts in terms of backing up and stuff. With regards to the old posts I just went and grabbed everything there is with the earliest post from the 7th of August 2008. Not sure if I did any tweeting before that.. so without any more rambling.. (mehr …)