Die Nordreise geht weiter – Südl. Norwegen
Mittlerweile zeigt unser Tachostand schon über 3000km an, aber wir haben auch schon total viel erlebt. Nach der Fährüberfahrt von Dänemark gings mit Oslo los. Danach fuhren wir über die…
Wir lieben es die Welt zu erkunden und betreiben das recht intensiv :)
Mittlerweile zeigt unser Tachostand schon über 3000km an, aber wir haben auch schon total viel erlebt. Nach der Fährüberfahrt von Dänemark gings mit Oslo los. Danach fuhren wir über die…
Unsere große Reise hat begonnen. Nach 2 Tagen durch Deutschland kamen wir endlich in Hamburg an um beim Globetrotter noch a bisserl zu Shoppen und um Hamburg zu genießen. Am…
Es war einmal ... wieder Zeit für einen Urlaub. Dieses mal gings für Florian Nino, Babsi und Werner in den Süden. Ziel war das Meer - der erste Stop aber…
Unbelievably it is already over a month ago that we got back home to Victoria from our weeklong visit to New York City. Our three boys dragged mummy and daddy…
Unser letzter Urlaubstrip führte uns mal wieder an unsere geliebte Soca. Schon die Hinfahrt war Dank dem spannendem (und gratis) Hörspiel Lomoco ein Genuß und dann gabs das volle Soca…
... not getting serious or any of this crazy ideas (ties, etc). No, to celebrate my 35th birthday Babsi, Zwutschgerl, Mum & I went for a 4-day trip to the…
Winter is slowly coming nearer and nearer so the three of us decided that it was time for a 5day shorttrip. After a tiny bit of planing we came up…
After the pain of finding a car Babsi and I finally found our MoMo² - a Toyota Hiace! During the last week we had the chance to go on our…
Hello friends,
Babsi, Werner and I were traveling in Panama during the whole month of January. After my travel with Kleiner Bär und Kleiner Tiger I was happy to show Babsi and Werner some of the highlights of Panama.
Lazy people can just enjoy the photos, otherwise you are welcome to read some lines about our trip.
(mehr …)
2007 proved to be the most challenging year for Manfred and myself so far. Having two kids under two has given us a new found respect for each other. In the toughest of times we always found ways to deal with the kids and not to mention each other ;-) There is much love and happiness in our family amongst the chaos and sleep deprivation as you can see from the photos.
Canada is a beautiful outdoor playground and this time we were really into seakayaking. We stayed for six days at the Broken Group islands with all the luggage (camping, water…
Oh, Canada is already over and I really miss the boys ... they are just great! But look for yourself - I got some photos of Manfred, Yen, Lukas and…
11999Man - I'm stoked! Today Manfred and I drove to Duncan/Mt. Tzouhalem for another mountain biking fun. After the ascent we found our first obstacles but then near the top…
Wow - it feels good to play with Lukas, my little nephew or to go biking with my big brother Manfred. Not to forget the time I spend with Nikolas…
Another winter (not really this year..) – another trip – another continent. This year Babsi and I headed to Morocco for our first african experience. The land is full of contrasts: Mountains, plains, valleys and the sahara. Snow and the heat in the desert. Woman from western style to completly hidden under the veil and cloth. Smells from wow to …
To give you an idea just look at the photos or you may read the hole story …