Who am I? Good question. I have been doing many different things all my life.
The one thing that has always been there is probably a yearning to learn more,
to find out why and how and what’s this all about? This is still true today.
I view my life as a real-time adventure and my activities are many:
- Spending time with my wife Yen and my sons Lukas, Nikolas and Tobias – fooling around, going to the pool, gymnastics, hiking…
- Fiddling around with computers – Linux, Java, Android, Free Software and Open Source are a passion – check my company web site – simpligility technologies inc
- Organizing the Vancouver Island Java User Group VIJUG I founded many moons ago and still run..
- Reading books, magazines, blogs and comics – the more the better
- Mountain biking with my Stinky in Hartland and just around home
- Hiking, Biking, Climbing, Camping, Snowboarding – everything outdoors all year round
- Cooking – with my lovely wife, international cuisine in every way
- Kayaking – nowadays in the surf with my Tekno or our double seakayak Sparkle
on the rivers and coastal waters of British Columbia - Boogie boarding and surfing – when I am not in the water with a boat
;-) - Traveling from weekend trips to around the world – Never stay put in a place too long!
- and many more…
My only problem is that there are only 24 hours in a day.
More from or about me on lots of sites with the mosabua username as well as on
, , and or check out my my company web site – simpligility technologies inc
Enjoy our site!