Du betrachtest gerade Trail surfing on the flowy, giga trails of the Vinschgau

Trail surfing on the flowy, giga trails of the Vinschgau

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

Thanks to an article in a bike magazin Babsi and I ended for a week of biking in Tarsch/Vinschgau/Southern Tyrol. We stayed at the lovely Pension Sachsalber
and thanks to Roman and his free GPS we enjoyed 6 perfect tours – thanks again!

The region around Tarsch itself is just a singletrail paradise with flow on every trail – when you are there just head for the Tarscher Alm and the combination of Path 9/4b/4 or ride up to the Freiberger Alm and continue to the Marzoner Alm. From the follow the trails Nr. 19 & 21. And of course don’t forget the uphill to St. Martin and the descent from the Platzair and the Annaberger Böden …

Allright, enough blabla, here are the photos…



Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....