Du betrachtest gerade Hucking at Mt. Tzouhalem

Hucking at Mt. Tzouhalem

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11999Man – I’m stoked! Today Manfred and I drove to Duncan/Mt. Tzouhalem for another mountain biking fun. After the ascent we found our first obstacles but then near the top it happend. There is a perfect obstacle with a drop around chest height and thanks to Manfreds Stinky I dared to drop it on the 3rd attempt. After that I was keen to do more drops and we found some more as you can see on the photos and tomorrow I go to Vancouver on the Northshore for another bike and drop session … ride on!


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....