Cameraplays with the Muni

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Familie

Uni on the wallAfter three month of unicycling we started to think about a video – you can see our first tries with cameraangles, the Munis itself, stairs and so on for the upcoming video (which will be called Tracks – released to be … hhhmmmm … rather soon …

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Snowboarding in British Columbia – Sun Peaks

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Familie

6039Our first winter in British Columbia is well under way. We had snow in town and went for a sledging session with our boogie board on the nearby golf course. And we went snowboarding up island to Mt. Washington. After mountain biking there in summer we were certainly curious. Up there the first time on the first of January this year we had a ball. Fresh snow and lots of rides and no people around. Supposedly it was a busy day for the resort, but compared to what I have seen in Europe the place was empty. And that was all just the beginning. Last week we went for a five day snowboaring trip to the interior. Read on to find out more and don’t forget to check out the photos..

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

Another weekend - another cool session. This time we headed for a Snowboardtour on the Schlenken and a Mountainbike ride on the Gaisberg (Mitteregg). Hope you like the pictures ...