PHProjekt Public Calendar System v20030724 released

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

It has been in use in production for more than a year now and I finally found the time to properly package
the PHProjekt Public Calendar System for others to enjoy. PHProjekt is a mature, powerful web based groupware solution facilitating a PHP environment. It has an
active development and user community. The whole groupware requires access via login for any users. Within the calendar component of the groupware public events can be created. And this is where the PPCS comes in handy…

The PHProjekt Public Calendar System allows you to display a calendar with a monthly view including navigation and customisable look and feel on your public web site. Check out a demonstration on our site (no longer available) or see the
full production use at the eVolition site (no longer available).

As you can see you will get an overview of the full month together with navigation arrows. Each events will be displayed with the title in the monthly view and as a summary underneath. For a live example check out August 2002 on the eVolition site (no longer available). In addition you can also integrate the calendar system into a Postnuke site as I have done on our site as a demo here(no longer available).

You can get the whole package here. The release includes documented source explaining how to adapt the code to your environment, install instructions and instructions for your users on how to publish events to the system.

Please let us know of any problems or other feedback you got here on the site or in an email and we will try to help
you. Enjoy.


Dieser Beitrag hat 24 Kommentare

  1. rose

    I’ve installed this add on for the public calendar, but I need help to figure out why the events that are entered into the phprojekt aren’t showing up in the ppcs_sample.php file. Everything seems to be working except for that. I was reading the readme file and it mentioned making sure the option for visibility is checked or enabled. I can not find this option anywhere. What am I doing wrong? Please someone help.

  2. manfred

    You will only see the events marked as public. PHProjekt has three type of events. You will see them when you input them in the extended form.

  3. rose

    When I go to the extended view the only options I see are:

    Date: Day: . .2003 From: Until:


    multiple events: OnceDailyWeeklyMonthlyYearly Until:. .


    Where do I specify the message as being Public?

  4. manfred

    I have uploaded a screenshot the extended event section of my phprojekt testinstallation. Check out the visibility setting.

    If you do not have this option you might still use a very old version of PHProjekt. I think this setting was new with 3.3 and the screenshot is from the new 4.0.

    Can you verify your version? As far as I know there are no settings that would make this selector disappear.


  5. dara

    We are new to PHProjekt (and to php in general)and have just installed your calendar addon. Thank you, it is great! I am having a problem with the little link that is supposed to navigate to previous month and next month. Could you tell me how to customize this so it works? Currently it gets sent to the main php folder. Thank you! – dara

  6. dmiranda

    Hi, I am trying to install this in a pn setting. As it is, I receive exactly the same error that I get when clicking the link to your demo, in the text above:

    „You are not allowed to do this“

    Any idea about how to solve this?

  7. kevin

    I am having problems using the pcs. I threw all the files in the /extern folder, like I was supposed to. I get the options in the calendar event add screen.. (public/private etc.).

    However, it’s just not being shown to the other users.

    Are these steps necessary/crucial for the PCS to work?:
    – Copy the ppcs_sample.php file to a new file and include the necessary html for header and footer around the calendar in the file.

    – Modify ppcs.php for your desired look and feel of the actual calendar. This includes table properties and labels for months and days.

    – Include the classes from ppcs_sample.css in your style sheet to change the look and feel of the headers and the cells on the calendar.

    Im using 4.0X

  8. manfred

    Sorry for not answering for so long. I just tried again after upgrading to PHProjekt 4.2 and it all works fine. Does your URL contain the parameters like on the demo on my site hhere?

  9. manfred

    You have to include the phrase „and $path_pre
    <> „phprojekt/““ in a line in phprojekt/lib/ as documented in the file ppcs_postnukesample.php. Also keep in mind that you have to redo this after each PHProjekt upgrade.

  10. manfred

    no .. these are not necessary if the standard look and feel is fine for you and you dont want to integrate it into your site or a postnuke site.

    However you will need to publish the events as public. Check out the screenshot mentioned in a post below.

  11. oli61

    Hi, I just installed PCS on my PHProjekt system and followed the instructions, but when I call it, it says:

    „Sorry, there has been a database error. Please contact your local system administrator for help.“

    Any ideas?
    Is there a problem with new version 5.01 or is it just me?


  12. rose

    I’ve installed this add on for the public calendar, but I need help to figure out why the events that are entered into the phprojekt aren’t showing up in the ppcs_sample.php file. Everything seems to be working except for that. I was reading the readme file and it mentioned making sure the option for visibility is checked or enabled. I can not find this option anywhere. What am I doing wrong? Please someone help.

  13. manfred

    You will only see the events marked as public. PHProjekt has three type of events. You will see them when you input them in the extended form.

  14. rose

    When I go to the extended view the only options I see are:

    Date: Day: . .2003 From: Until:


    multiple events: OnceDailyWeeklyMonthlyYearly Until:. .


    Where do I specify the message as being Public?

  15. manfred

    I have uploaded a screenshot the extended event section of my phprojekt testinstallation. Check out the visibility setting.

    If you do not have this option you might still use a very old version of PHProjekt. I think this setting was new with 3.3 and the screenshot is from the new 4.0.

    Can you verify your version? As far as I know there are no settings that would make this selector disappear.


  16. dara

    We are new to PHProjekt (and to php in general)and have just installed your calendar addon. Thank you, it is great! I am having a problem with the little link that is supposed to navigate to previous month and next month. Could you tell me how to customize this so it works? Currently it gets sent to the main php folder. Thank you! – dara

  17. dmiranda

    Hi, I am trying to install this in a pn setting. As it is, I receive exactly the same error that I get when clicking the link to your demo, in the text above:

    „You are not allowed to do this“

    Any idea about how to solve this?

  18. kevin

    I am having problems using the pcs. I threw all the files in the /extern folder, like I was supposed to. I get the options in the calendar event add screen.. (public/private etc.).

    However, it’s just not being shown to the other users.

    Are these steps necessary/crucial for the PCS to work?:
    – Copy the ppcs_sample.php file to a new file and include the necessary html for header and footer around the calendar in the file.

    – Modify ppcs.php for your desired look and feel of the actual calendar. This includes table properties and labels for months and days.

    – Include the classes from ppcs_sample.css in your style sheet to change the look and feel of the headers and the cells on the calendar.

    Im using 4.0X

  19. manfred

    Sorry for not answering for so long. I just tried again after upgrading to PHProjekt 4.2 and it all works fine. Does your URL contain the parameters like on the demo on my site hhere?

  20. manfred

    You have to include the phrase „and $path_pre
    <> „phprojekt/““ in a line in phprojekt/lib/ as documented in the file ppcs_postnukesample.php. Also keep in mind that you have to redo this after each PHProjekt upgrade.

  21. manfred

    no .. these are not necessary if the standard look and feel is fine for you and you dont want to integrate it into your site or a postnuke site.

    However you will need to publish the events as public. Check out the screenshot mentioned in a post below.

  22. oli61

    Hi, I just installed PCS on my PHProjekt system and followed the instructions, but when I call it, it says:

    „Sorry, there has been a database error. Please contact your local system administrator for help.“

    Any ideas?
    Is there a problem with new version 5.01 or is it just me?


  23. Admin of the System

    I have removed the links on the article where they no longer apply and I have corrected the download link as well.

    However if you want to use this extension keep in mind that I have not tested it with and 5x version of PHProjekt. I have no idea if there is an alternative plugin for newer versions available nor what work is required to do so. Might be just an update to a SQL query or a complete rewrite depending on the changes in PHProjekt.

    If anybody does the work feel free to send patches back to me for hosting or host it yourself. Just let me know.

  24. Admin of the System

    I have removed the links on the article where they no longer apply and I have corrected the download link as well.

    However if you want to use this extension keep in mind that I have not tested it with and 5x version of PHProjekt. I have no idea if there is an alternative plugin for newer versions available nor what work is required to do so. Might be just an update to a SQL query or a complete rewrite depending on the changes in PHProjekt.

    If anybody does the work feel free to send patches back to me for hosting or host it yourself. Just let me know.

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