New Gallery: Canada’s wild animals.

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We have been here in Victoria for a bit more than two months now and we have seen many animals here we never saw before. Check out some of them in the new gallery, stay tuned for more additions and read on to find out what we already saw, but couldn’t get a photo yet…

Since we have been here I have been on the lookout for Bald Eagles. And then Yen saw the first one while I was driving. In the meantime we saw quite a few of them although I can’t wait to see them more in autumn, when the salmon are migrating up the streams and the eagles are feasting.

Watching the salmon migration will definitely be cool too. Although we have seen a few small fish kayaking …

The other animal we have been looking forward to see was a black bear. And guess what. We already saw one. It was after our kayak trip down the Cowichan River. The bear crossed the high way. Unfortunately we just saw him for a short glimpse. We are looking forward to see more… although hopefully not in our campground or roving our car ;-)

5855When we asked more information about the West Coast Trail in Port Renfrew we heard that there seem to be quite a few cougars around as well. Seeing a cougar in the wild would definitely be a highlight … maybe.

Last weekend we went to Tofino and on the trip to the Hot Springs via boat we also saw harbours seals (which we have seen already in the harbour from a seakayak), sealions and grey whales. That was really awesome too. Everybody got very excited about seeing the whales. And we even saw two of them…

Enough rambling for now… check out the galleryand come back for more photos in the future…

Dieser Beitrag hat 4 Kommentare

  1. werner

    I’m really looking forward to the october.trip, so I hopefully can see some of these animals too. But if you ever see a wild cougar then I’m definitly curious :)


  2. manfred

    I just added another nice shot from last weekend. A little frog invaded out glass house…

  3. werner

    I’m really looking forward to the october.trip, so I hopefully can see some of these animals too. But if you ever see a wild cougar then I’m definitly curious :)


  4. manfred

    I just added another nice shot from last weekend. A little frog invaded out glass house…

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