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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

CUBlunt Winter is over – the local wave is gone. But the new video CUBlunt is ready.

It’s again produced by werner, the sound is GutenTag(Reklamation) by WirSindHelden and I hope you like the video and add a comment

And now it’s time to watch the DivX video – 12mb; 3:41min or the quicktime video – 14mb; 3:41min

Ah, the paddlers are (in order of appearance): Thomas (Booster60), Babsi (Supersonic), Julia (Kingpin, Witch), Manfred (Disco, Air55), Werner (Tekno, Air55, CUFly), Kristin (GForce), Michi (Sub7), Hannes (Air55), RastaHias (FX)


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....

Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentare

  1. manfred

    What a cool video!!! The production is just awesome. I like the song too. Of course the paddling skills vary quite a bit. Looking at my ride in the video I see that I really gotta practice some more. I guess now in Canada this might get a bit easier. This is a fun video to watch!!

    Have fun


  2. manfred

    What a cool video!!! The production is just awesome. I like the song too. Of course the paddling skills vary quite a bit. Looking at my ride in the video I see that I really gotta practice some more. I guess now in Canada this might get a bit easier. This is a fun video to watch!!

    Have fun


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